Karas, Anton
The third man / music composed and performed by Anton Karas - Andorra :Disconforme ,1999 - 1 disco (CD-DA) (ca. 53 min.) ;12cm - The soundtrack factory (Disconforme) .
Banda sonora de "El tercer hombre" de Carol Reed
The Big Ben tune ; Main title / Holly Martins arrives in Viena ; Harry Lime's false burial ; Holly ancounters Anna ; Meeting of conspirators at the bridge / Holly and Anna talk about Harry ; Holly is accused of homicide ; Martins is harassed by the mob ; Martins rans away ; Calloway persuades Martins about Harrys crimes ; Holly gats drunk at the Casanova Club ; , etc.
Bandas sonoras de películas--Gravacións sonoras
The third man / music composed and performed by Anton Karas - Andorra :Disconforme ,1999 - 1 disco (CD-DA) (ca. 53 min.) ;12cm - The soundtrack factory (Disconforme) .
Banda sonora de "El tercer hombre" de Carol Reed
The Big Ben tune ; Main title / Holly Martins arrives in Viena ; Harry Lime's false burial ; Holly ancounters Anna ; Meeting of conspirators at the bridge / Holly and Anna talk about Harry ; Holly is accused of homicide ; Martins is harassed by the mob ; Martins rans away ; Calloway persuades Martins about Harrys crimes ; Holly gats drunk at the Casanova Club ; , etc.
Bandas sonoras de películas--Gravacións sonoras